The Pennyroyal Center provides several trainings available to the community. For more information on when a training is taking place, please contact our Regional Office at 270-886-2205.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental health problems – such as depression, anxiety, impulse control and misuse of alcohol and other drugs – are shockingly common in the United States. In fact, more than one in four American adults will have a mental health problem in a year. The National Council on Community Behavioral Healthcare has begun working with communities throughout the nation, including the Pennyroyal Center to implement Mental Health First Aid to arm the public with skills to help individuals who are developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The clinical and qualitative evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps the public better identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness, thus improving outcomes for individuals experiencing these illnesses. For more information on Mental Health First Aid, visit
Question, Refer, Persuade (QPR)
Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year thousands of Americans, like you, are saying “Yes” to saving the life of a friend, colleague, sibling, or neighbor.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is for everyone 16 or older—regardless of prior experience—who wants to be able to provide suicide first aid. Shown by major studies to significantly reduce suicidality, the ASIST model teaches effective intervention skills while helping to build suicide prevention networks in the community.