Crisis Open Access Hours
8:30am-4:00pm at all Clinic Locations
Crisis services are available for adults and children with mental health, substance use, or intellectual or other development disabilities.
I/DD Crisis
I/DD Regional Crisis is for individuals in all agencies in region 2 who have currently exhausted all other resources. It is a program that offers educational services, emergency medication appointments, crisis respite for stabilization, as well as therapy appointments.
Adult Crisis
The mission of the adult crisis stabilization program is to provide prompt and accessible interventions on a least-restrictive basis to adults who meet criteria for emergent or urgent mental health needs. The emphasis will be on stabilizing the client and restoring him/her to pre-crisis or improved levels of functioning while remaining in the community whenever possible.
Children’s Crisis
The mission of the children’s crisis program is to provide prompt and accessible interventions on a least-restrictive basis to children and their families who meet criteria for emergent or urgent mental health needs. The emphasis will be on stabilizing the client and restoring that person to the pre-crisis level of functioning by providing services in the community whenever possible.
Community Crisis Services
Community response to small and large scale disaster:
- Severe weather – tornadoes, snow/ice storms, floods
- Community disaster – industrial accident, fire
- Loss that causes community impact
The Community Crisis services offers debriefings and psychological first aid response to schools, shelters, community centers, public meetings, and areas of impact. We link victims to counseling, public education, and referral/advocacy services.